Recent TESOL and LGBTQ+ Research by EAP’s Dr. Joshua Paiz

February 19, 2019

Joshua Paiz headshot

EAP’s newest Teaching Assistant Professor, Dr. Joshua Paiz, was invited to contribute an article for the most recent issue of the WATESOL News, the seasonal newsletter of the Washington, D.C. Area Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (WATESOL). The article, titled “Queer ELT Classroom Practices: Suggestions for Educators,” is based on a presentation which was well-received at the teachers’ association’s Fall Conference last year.

In addition, WATESOL has recently announced that Dr. Paiz will be facilitating a two-hour workshop at this April’s WATESOL Advocacy Day at American University titled “Creating LGBTQ+-inclusive Classes in TESOL Contexts." The event is open to WATESOL members only.

Congratulations on your recent work, Dr. Paiz!