Dr. Natalia Romanova

Dr. Natalia Romanova joined the George Washington University as a Research Scientist at the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition in 2009 and served as the editor of AccELLerate!, a quarterly review covering issues of interest to stakeholders in the education of English learners. She has been teaching in the EAP Program since 2011 helping international graduate students understand the process, features, and conventions of research writing.
Dr. Romanova has 20 years of experience in the field of second language acquisition and education, teaching methodology, curriculum development, assessment, instructional design, and teacher training and is a recipient of several awards for excellence in teaching.
Prior to her appointment at the GWU, she worked as a second language acquisition specialist at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC), where she designed and supervised the development of instructional and assessment materials in more than 40 languages and trained consultants across the globe.
She also served as a content-area expert for the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of State, taught Culture and English Communication at the Georgetown University’s Center for Language Education and Development, Russian at the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Maryland, College Park, and English in a bilingual Russian-English school in Moscow.
Dr. Romanova’s research interests concern primarily second language learners’ ability to process grammatical information and cognitive mechanisms underlying processing. She is also interested in investigating advanced literacy development in second language learners and effective instructional interventions, including the incorporation of cutting-edge technology into language instruction.
Member and Co-Chair of Professional Development, WATESOL (Washington, D.C. Area Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) 2017-2018
Romanova, N. (2017). Team-based learning within a flipped classroom: An EAP course redesign to foster learning and engagement of international students. In L. T. Wong & W. L. Wong (Eds.), Teaching and Learning English for Academic Purposes: Current Research and Practices. Nova Science Publishers.
Romanova, N. (2015). Second Language Writing Development in a Study-Abroad Context. AAAL, Toronto, Canada
Jacobson, N., & Romanova, N. (2015). EAP to ESP: Using linguistic needs analysis to improve academic preparation for international graduate students in Statistics . AAAL, Toronto, Canada.
Romanova, N. (2013). Gender and number agreement in L1 and L2 processing of Russian (with Gor, K.) Second Language Research Forum. Brigham Young University, USA.
Romanova, N. (2013). Mechanisms underlying lexical access in native and second language processing of gender and number agreement (with Gor, K.). Cross-linguistic priming in bilinguals: Perspectives and constraints. Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Faculty Member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers (ADT), The George Washington University, since 2014.
M. Bender Award for Excellence in Teaching, The George Washington University, 2014.
Distinguished Teaching Assistant of the Year Award, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland, 2003.
Invited/Key Note Speaker:
Romanova, N. (April, 2018). What Can We Learn about Language Acquisition from Baron Munchausen, Peter Pan, and Eliza Doolittle? Invited lecture in SLA seminar series, Bowdoin College
Romanova, N. (November, 2017). A Conceptual Framework for Advanced Linguistic Literacy Development in Three Languages. Kazakh-American Forum of Higher Education, Astana, Kazakhstan.