Megan Siczek

Megan Siczek
Director and Associate Professor of EAP
Dr. Megan M. Siczek is director and associate professor in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program at the George Washington University and coordinates instruction at the undergraduate level. Her research interests include second language writing, the internationalization of higher education, and oral academic discourse socialization. She has authored a number of research articles and book chapters and published two books with the University of Michigan Press: a research monograph entitled International Students in First-Year Writing: A Journey Through Socio-academic Space (2018) and an edited collection called Pedagogical Innovations in Oral Academic Communication (2022). In addition to her teaching and scholarship, Professor Siczek is active in supporting internationalization activities at GW, including best practices for engaging and supporting international students on campus and program-level curricular refinements that facilitate international students’ socialization into a new academic discourse community.
- Siczek, M. (Ed.). (2022). Pedagogical innovations in oral academic communication. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Siczek, M. (2018). International students in first-year writing classes: A journey through socio-academic space. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Journal articles
- Siczek, M. (2024). The Lived Experience of Internationally Mobile Students: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(5).
- Siczek, M. (2023). Promoting critical language awareness at the graduate level: A discovery-oriented approach. Journal of Second Language Writing, 60, 100988.
- Siczek, M. (2021). L2 writers’ experience with peer review in mainstream first-year writing: Socioacademic dimensions. Journal of Response to Writing, 6(2), 102-128.
- Siczek, M. (2020). International Student Agency in the Face of a Global Health Crisis. Journal of International Students, 10(4), vii-ix.
- Stanchevici, D. & Siczek, M. (2019) Performance, interaction, and satisfaction of graduate EAP Students in a face-to-face and an online class: A comparative analysis. TESL Canada Journal, (36)3, 132-153.
- Dolgova, N. & Siczek, M. (2019). Assessment from the ground up: Developing and validating a usage-based diagnostic assessment procedure in a graduate EAP context. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, (41), 1-7.
- Engel, L. C., & Siczek, M. (2018). A cross-national comparison of international strategies: global citizenship and the advancement of national competitiveness. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 48(5), 749-767.
- Siczek, M., & Engel, L. C. (2017). Teachers’ cognitive interpretation of U.S. global education initiatives. Educational Policy, 1-30.
- Siczek, M. (2015). Developing global competency in U.S. higher education: Contributions of international students. CATESOL Journal 27(2), 5-21.
Book chapters
- Brown, A. & Siczek, M. (2019). Scaffolding library research skills for international students: A library-EAP collaboration. In L. Rod-Welch & K. Skellen (Eds.) Improving library services in support of international students and English as a second language learners (pp. 134-145). Chicago, IL: ACRL.
- Engel, L.C. & Siczek, M. (2018). Framing global education in the United States: Policy perspectives. In L. Hill & F. Levine (Eds.), Global perspectives in educational research. New York: Routledge.
- Siczek, M. & Dolgova, N. (2018) The value of usage-based approaches to diagnostic placement assessment in graduate EAP. In T. Ruecker & D. Crusan (Eds.), International political contexts of second language writing assessment (pp. 26-47). New York: Routledge.
- Shapiro, S. & Siczek, M. (2017). Strategic content: How globally-oriented writing courses can bridge pedagogical and political spaces. In B. Smith & N. DeJoy (Eds.), Collaborations and innovations: Supporting multilingual writers across campus units (pp. 167-184). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Siczek, M. & Bennett, G. (2015). Teaching lexico-grammatical features of academic language. In M. Roberge, K. Losey, & M. Wald (Eds.), Teaching U.S.-educated multilingual writers: Practices from and for the classroom (pp. 132-159). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Siczek, M. & Shapiro, S. (2014). Developing writing-intensive courses for a globalized curriculum through WAC-TESOL collaborations. In T.M. Zawacki & M. Cox (Eds.), WAC and second language writers: Research towards linguistically and culturally inclusive programs and practices (pp. 329-346). Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press.