EAP Director and University Writing Program Team Showcase GW Writing Culture

July 9, 2019

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Director of EAP Dr. Megan Siczek collaborated with leaders of the various University Writing Program units for a symposium presentation at the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW) conference in Gothenburg, Sweden. The symposium, "Multidisciplinary Connections Across a University Writing Curriculum: Writing Program Development, Course Sequencing, Multidisciplinary Teaching," focused on multidisciplinarity and curricular alignment across the GW writing sequence: first-year writing, writing in the disciplines (WID), the Writing Center resources, and English for Academic Purposes courses. The co-presenters emphasized the way that GW collaborates to build a culture of writing at the university.

Pictured (left to right): Co-presenters Christy Zink (University Writing Program), Danika Myers (UW), Gordon Mantler (UW), Zachary Wolfe (UW), and Megan Siczek (EAP)